About Me

Lots of stuff drives me nuts! I think there are a lot of retarded people out there that don't know they're retarded. This blog is dedicated to those people.

Friday, August 17, 2007


So, here goes. It's here with a few surprises.
First the weather sucks! Ogden got blasted with a huge thunder shower while I was trying to get marked and pick up my stuff. I hope the rain didn't continue all the way over the mountain because if it did, the trail will be unbelievably muddy and rough.
Second, NO WETSUITS! That doesn't do me any good as that's the only legal floatation equipment. Also it doesn't do so well with the drag. Although only slightly, I was tempted to stop by the sporting goods store on my way home and look for a biker short speedo/swimsuit (not speedo breifs) but I just couldn't do it. So, it'll be my swimsuit for the swim and hopefully I don't reveal too much as I try to change at T1 with a towel around my waist. One of these days maybe, just maybe I may pull out the greco-roman wrestler outfit that's only one piece. I think that I'd really have to collect some money from all of you to compete with that gear (it would be funny though). Could you imagine that? Yeah, I bet a few of you could...and stop it right now!
Well, here is to tomorrow and a good nights sleep tonight (which isn't likely). Stay tuned for what may be my final blog with a significant recap of the day.

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