About Me

Lots of stuff drives me nuts! I think there are a lot of retarded people out there that don't know they're retarded. This blog is dedicated to those people.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Average first week...

The week started off positive but slipped off at the end. The kids have been a little sick so putting them in the stroller behind my bike wasn't an option. The stroller has a flat tire so that wasn't an option any way.

I'm waiting for the weather to warm a little bit so that I can get out in the morning. The mornings are a little nippy and I don't want my fingers to freeze or my nose to fall off. In fact even when riding at night I get home with a headache from my frozen ears. This week doesn't look good as the weather is turning colder with rain. I may just have to buck up and throw on the layers and get my butt out there.

Here's to a new week and an increased effort.

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